Наконец-то доделали эпическую поэму Doomside Wind
We came to the mountain
And lifted up
There we took a place
Next to me
Standing on the peak
Staring down
All the realms of men
I have seen
Look! All the world
Lies in my hands
Just make a step
It will be your's!
Omnious visions
Haunting me
Angels and demons
Next to me
I can hear the haunting voice
Brought to me by the doomside wind
"Won't your angels carry you
In their flight on the
Eagle-like wings"
Land, land shrieks
Under hoofs
Of devils servants
Flames, flames reach
For the skies of the holy one
World is coming straightly
To the end
See the sign of Satan
On the men
God left them to sink in vice and sins
Sea of endless fire
Waits for them
Look all the world
Crash from my breath.
No way to save
Your priceless soul!
...all the world
...from my breath
...way to save
Your priceless soul…
Omnious visions
Haunting me
Angels and demons
Next to me
I can hear the haunting voice
Brought to me by the doomside wind
"Won't your angels carry you
In their flight on the
Eagle-like wings"
Tale 3:
Land, land shrieks
Under hoofs
Of devils servants
Flames, flames reach
For the skies of the holy one
Tale 4(reading):
Đau khổ đг đến với bạn
Ờ trкn cạn vа ở dưới biển
Vм quỷ sứ
Đг sai quбi vật đến
Vм hắn biết rằng
Ngаy tận thế sắp tới
Hỡi những người hiểu biết
Hгy đọc lкn con số quỷ sứ
Translated from vietnamese:
Woe to You On Earth and Sea
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath
because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding
reckon the number of the beast©Iron Maiden – The Number Of The Beast
Omnious visions
Haunting me
Angels and demons
Next to me
Chorus :
I can hear the haunting voice
Brought to me by the doomside wind
"Won't your angels carry you
In their flight on the
Eagle-like wings"
”S O …” in morse code
I can hear the haunting voice
Brought to me by the doomside wind
"Won't your angels carry you
In their flight on the
Eagle-like wings"
Some news from different parts of the world:-Last information has been received about an hour ago.The city is raised to ground and fully flooded. Currently nothing is known about survivors…
-По последним наличествующим данным погибло более двухсот тысяч человек. На данный момент связь с пострадавшими районами отсутствует…
- Theo cбc tin tức cuối, sуng thần đг cuốn đi nửa dвn số của thаnh phố biển Danang, bвy giờ chinh phủ đang đổ hết sức vаo việc cứu hộ những người bị nạn.
Translated from vietnamese: По последним данным в следствии цунами пострадала половина населения портового города Дананг. Сейчас правительство всеми силами старается помочь пострадавшим.)
- Ma Dar hale fifilmbargari az sahneye kyhe Ateshtesham hastim. Gelzate Mewh Zayad ast Shahr ghabela did Nemibashad. Momken *pshhhhhhhhhhh*
(Translated from Persian: Мы ведем прямой репортаж из эпицентра извержения вулкана. Не смотря на плохую видимость можно с уверенностью сказать, что *связь обрывается*)